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Acne Cause

Several factors contribute to the development of acne.  The main problem is the abnormal growth of cells in the hair follicle, which leads to the formation of a plug or a blackhead (comedo).  Tide inhibits the normal movement of the hair, skin cells and oil (sebum), causing enlargement and eventually rupture the hair follicle.  A ruptured hair follicle spills its contents of oil and debris into the skin where it leads to swelling and causes redness (inflammation).

Propionibacterium acnes, a type of bacteria that normally live in the hair follicles of the skin, also plays a role in acne.  These bacteria produce substances that cause redness and irritation (inflammation).  They also make enzymes, which dissolve the sebum from oil glands in the skin to irritating substances.  These substances also make the inflammation worse.

Certain hormones, called androgens are an additional factor in causing acne.  Androgens are male hormones present in men and women, but higher in men.  Androgens do two things: First, they enlarge the sebaceous glands in the skin.  Second, they cause these glands to increase sebum (oil) production.  Increased sebum production exacerbate the formation of the plug and serves as a more "food" for bacteria.  Androgens surge at puberty, which is why teens develop underarm and pubic hair and why boys develop facial hair and deeper voices.  This hormonal surge also contributes to the development of acne in adolescents.

Estrogen, which is a female hormone, can really help improve acne in girls.  A woman's monthly menstrual cycle is due to changes in levels of estrogen in the body.  This is why acne in women may be better and then worse as she goes through her monthly cycle.  A doctor may recommend acne treatment with oral contraceptives containing estrogen help.

Now is also believed that severe acne can run in some families.  This may be due to genetic factors that have not been found.

Anatomy of the hair follicle: Hair follicles exist on virtually all skin except the palms and soles.  Inside the follicle, the hair extends up from layers of the skin and out of the pores.  Near the surface, the oil glands (sebaceous gland) enters the hair follicle where it empties sebum at a relatively constant level.  Sebum that lubricates skin and provides a protective layer to prevent drying.  The skin on the face, chest and back have a particularly large number of sebaceous glands.  This is an area where there is acne.

The lesions of acne: There are two main types of acne lesions: inflammation and inflammation.  Inflammatory acne lesions include blackheads (open comedones) and whiteheads (closed comedones).  Open and closed comedones along with papules and pustules of acne called papulopustular, a form of inflammatory acne.  Nodular acne is the most severe form of inflammatory acne.

Inflammatory acne: Open comedones result from the enlargement and widening of the plug which forms of oil and skin cells in the hair follicle.

Hair follicle pore remains open, exposing a black plug (known as blackheads).  Dark color is not dirt in the pores.  Instead it is the oil inside the pores, which have become exposed to the outside air.

A closed comedo forms when the hair follicle pore remains closed.  Plug in a closed comedo or whitehead is therefore not exposed to outside air, and there is no black color develops.  The closed comedo only appears as a bump, sometimes the small pink in the skin.

Inflammatory acne: acne inflammatory lesions consist of red blemishes, acne is also called acne (papules, pustules), and larger, more tender swollen lesions (nodules).

Papules which comedos closed, which has become red, swollen, and inflamed.

Comedos pustules are closed, which becomes inflamed and starts to break into the skin forming pustular heads of various sizes.

Nodules represent a large, soft, swollen acne lesions, which has become very inflamed and rupture under the skin.  If untreated, this can result in scarring.

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