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Showing posts from November, 2011

what is the cause and effect of Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a disease passed down from parents to children through genes ( genetic disorder ). affecting the secretory glands ( mucus -producing areas of the body including sweat ) which may cause the recurrent lung and digestive disorders. cavity and a member of the human body produces substances that are functioning to protect the mucus. if you or your child has Cystic fibrosis, mucus that was going to be thick and sticky. and will accumulate in the lungs, if mucus accumulates in the lung airways to the lungs will be blocked and can lead to very rapid growth of bacteria. other than that mucus will clog the channels accumulate in the pancreas that causes indigestion, because no arrival enzymes made ​​by the pancreas into the small intestine. substances that produced by the pancreas in the need to digest proteins and vitamins by the small intestine. if the substance is clogged then our body will lack the vitamins and nutrients, since nutrients or food into our bodies can no

what is malaria

Disease that is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions, including many from Africa, Asia, and America arise with symptoms of fever that occurred in the regular episodes, sweating and chills, and fatigue (caused by anemia ), spread by the Anopheles mosquito containing eukaryotic protists from the genus Plasmodium. Plasmodium cause infection in red blood cells. Malaria could lead to death if delay in knowing the symptoms and treatment are less rapid. attempts to discuss the right diagnosis and good treatment of this disease can be easily treated. If you will be traveling to the spread of malaria- stricken area are advised to take anti- malarial medicine one week before until one month after the departure. and if you are already in the country are trying to find housing that have doors and windows closed and if necessary use the curtain on the bed. Using an effective insect mosquito, Wearing long sleeves and full length pants, Living in accommodation with the doors and close t

What is vascular disease

if the arteries (atherosclerosis ) because of the thickening layers of hardened arteries by fatty deposits or plaque ( atheroma ), can cause vascular disease. due to clogged arteries so the blood supply, oxygen and nutrients to the body of the heart that resulted in parts of the body suffers, the blood supply is inadequate: poor function, tissue damage and, in worst cases, death. vascular disease generally affects the arteries of the brain, heart and legs. Due to vascular disease of the heart you will feel intense pain in the chest that feels old, is due to clogged arteries and blood can not flow to the heart, this causes a heart attack. if you feel chest pain in more than 20 minutes is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. Due to vascular disease in the brain if the main artery in the neck that supply blood to the brain is blocked and can not draw blood to the brain, there will be blood clots in the brain, or may result in rupture of the arteries that lead to cerebral he