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usefulness milk for human

most of us drink milk every day, but do you know the benefits of milk?, anything contained in the milk?  whether there are side effects taking  milk? in this article I will try to explain it Bone health Milk and dairy products are providers of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and protein which are all essential for healthy bone growth and development. Adequate consumption of milk and dairy from early childhood and throughout life can help to make the bones strong and protect them against diseases like osteoporosis (a debilitating, brittle bone disorder) in later life. Teeth The amounts of calcium and phosphorous in milk and dairy products are also beneficial for the development and maintenance of healthy teeth. The most abundant protein in milk is casein and is protective as it forms a thin film on the enamel surface which prevents loss of calcium and phosphate from the enamel when the teeth are exposed to acids in the mouth. Studies have suggested that milk also reduces t

you have ever experienced Sleep Paralysis

when you fall asleep, do you ever feel that you're awake, but could not megerakan your body, chest tightness, choking breath, but could look around and listen to the voice.  at that time we occasionally see a black shadow of scary, so many that connect to things mystical, in a case like this is called Sleep Paralysis. A Sleep Paralysis is possibly a hereditary disorder in which one experiences very frightening seconds or minutes of total body paralysis with little respiration and eye movements . A victim in this state feels awake, but he cannot move or speak. In addition to the immobility, the common symptoms include feeling choked or suffocated, hearing strange noises like footsteps and voices, seeing beings or dark shadows, and feeling an existance of someone in the room. Although these symptoms often direct the victims to believe in ghosts, mistransmission of neural signals in the brain causes Sleep Paralysis. When a person sleeps, his brain sends signals to inhibit any muscle

Identify anemia and how to prevent it

Anemia  anemia is a blood disorder most widely encountered in, where the levels of hemoglobin in the blood has decreased to below the normal range by age and gender. In addition to lowering hemoglobin, the anemia also decreased the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes). Hemoglobin is the component of red blood cells that carries oxygen in charge of the lungs to body tissues.  the types of anemia • The type of anemia that most of iron deficiency anemia. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin in the blood. Iron deficiency usually occurs in women of childbearing age, but can also in infants, children, and adolescents in its infancy. • pernicious anemia is one type of anemia where there is shortage of the substance (intrinsic factor) which in need in the body to absorb and process vitamin B12. Anemia of this type often are hereditary (inherited) and is usually experienced by elderly individuals. • Folic acid de

Allergy in infants

Allergic reactions or hypersensitivity is an exaggerated immune response, with varying degrees ranging from mild to severe, on the substance that normally are not harmful. Duty to protect the body's immune system against harmful substances (antigens). However, in people who are sensitive, immune system may overreact to these substances are not harmful for most people. As a result arising allergies, allergy experienced by each person is not the same. Some people only allergic to one substance, and some other people may be allergic to some substance. Infants and children are generally more susceptible to allergies Karen their immune system is still not fully developed and in the stage of adaptation to the surrounding environment.  Allergens will cause allergic reactions, such as:  1. through direct contact of the skin: 2. Against the airways (inhaled) 3. Gastrointestinal tract (the consumption of food / beverage) 4. In

tea can solve your health problems

in dealing with health problems are many things we can do, such as exercise, diet, and other businesses. in this article I will discuss about the health benefits of tea for us. Tea is a beverage that has been known in this world. with the distinctive aroma and flavor of tea in like many people, but because it was a cup of tea has health benefits us. Tea Benefits Benefits include tea as an antioxidant, repairing damaged cells, smooth skin, slim body, prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol in the blood, the blood circulation. So, do not be surprised if the drink is touted as a beverage rich in benefits. Substance in the Cup of Tea Useful Therefore, in addition to as soft drinks, tea can also be used as a therapy for health. If we drink a cup of tea, then we at least know what the best substance that is in a cup of tea we drink. Any substance contained in tea making is known as a beverage rich in benefits? Here are some useful primary substance contained in a cu

Migrants are extremely disturbing

Migrant is a problem health that occurs in the head (headache). These headaches are usually found only in one part of the head, such as on the right fist. people who suffer from migrants would be more sensitive to light and will feel nauseous. more migrants suffered by women than in men. some people usually feel if it will hit migrants stated that they thought he saw a light or zigzag lines. There are several triggers of migrants: * Anxiety * Stress * Lack of sleep * Irregular eating patterns * Excessive Light * Hormonal changes (in women) * Changes in whether or air pressure * The smell was terrible or cigarette smoke * A very bright light or reflection of sunlight. The doctors believe that the migrant is associated with hyperactivity of the brain electrical impulses increase blood flow in the brain. The symptoms the patient will feel his body is weak and excessive yawning. Irritability and restlessness are also a few other symptoms. Apparently this excruciating

cause dryness of the skin, and how to overcome them

Dry skin is a manifestation of the skin characterized by lack of moisture. return the result of antigovernment. when it appears excessive dryness in parts of the highly visible, have the negative consequences for the health of both hair and skin the same, resulting in skin and hair rough, scaly skin, cracking, irritation, peeling. dry skin etc. The real form of acne. Symptoms: dry, scaly skin, enlarged pores, pimples, acne, rough, scaly skin, cracking, irritation, peeling. etc. causes: The main causes of dry skin this following: age: are the main reasons that determine the dryness of the skin. drought environment: the drought of the place where we determine evaporation aqua excessive skin with appropriate results in humidity. so that in the dry season in ambient dominated, such as in winter. habitations malefaction carts can cause the same results. Heredity: A knock to have dry skin depend on genetic characteristics. Basic metal production Chemical factors: contact with the chem

About the sore throat, and how to overcome them

sure you know and probably ever experienced health problems (sore throat). what inflammation actually is and what causes ? Strep throat is an infection of the throat and tonsils. this causes a dry throat and sore. sore throat can be causes by several things, including: 1. sore throat that causes the bacterium, the bacterium that causes strep throat, there are two, the first is Streptococcus and carapace headily. 2. in because of a virus, the virus that cause strep throat and flu delaminate. 3. breathing using the mouth, it can cause dryness and sore throat. 4. sinus drainage. 5. Sore throat appearing after treatment with antibiotics, chemotherapy, or other immune-compromising medications May be due to Candid, commonly known as "thrush." 6. due issue many voices. Generally, evening throats must run Their coarse (exception, strep throat will from be addressed below.) > Salt water gargles, hard candies, sprays for example,

use the balls on the practice of yoga

you must already know the ball which is often used by athletes who were injured to recover his condition, the ball is also often used to help fitness.bola medium is also used to increase the tension on certain muscles. his name is a balance ball, balls made from rubber with a diameter of 55-85 cm is in use in physical therapy and exercise. yoga with a balance ball doing yoga on the ball allows your body to stretch gently you can also set your breath flow and keep control of tension in yourself so that you do not hurt themselves. ball supports you in certain poses and help you change every posture in accordance with your body. Sit on the ball by sitting on the ball is a great way to keep your bones healthy. try using the ball in your daily activities if you have a desk job. when you sit on the ball, you are forced to sit with good posture because you do not need be based.and try to play the ball, and use your toes as a pedestal, by moving your body likes that, you can prevent illnes

beberapa hal pennybab struk dan pencegahannya

taukah anda bahwa setiap 45 detik 1 orang di amerika terkena stroke?, stroke membunuh sekitar 160.000orang pertahun, dan sebagian besarnya adalah perempuan. dalam 1 tahun sekitar selisih antara wanita dan pria yang terkea stroke sekitar 40.000, dan lebih dari 60% kematian yang di akibatkan oleh stroke terjadi pada wanita. mengapa masalah kesehatan (heart probles) dalam hal ini stoke? kita perlu mengetahui apa faktor penyebab terkena stroke. beberapa di antaranya dapat dapat kita cegah dan kendalikan, dan kita harus dapat mengenali gejala nya sehingga kita dapat mencegah lebiih dini agar tidak terjangkit stroke. faktor-faktor penyebab struk diantaranya adalah: Tekanan darah tinggi: menuurut (heart Association), tekanan darah tinggi merupakan faktor utama yang menyebabkan orang terkena stroke. darah tinggi meruakan penyakit keturunan dan juga terjadi karena kita menyalami obesitas, serta perempuan yang mengkonsumsi pill KB atau perempuan yang telah menjapai menopaus beresiko tinggi

take advantage of your lunch break, so you do not stress

take advantage of lunch breaks for those of you have activities / Jobs whose are very solid, very good lunch. -If you have a lot at lunch time I suggest you fill it with a nap, Because with a nap will from be Able to restore your energy from you use the morning. - If you have to do activities after lunch I recommend filling it with lunch with your friends, you get talking to your friend's converse along with your lunch. and recommend That you talk about Things unrelated to your job, fill it with talk about Things That Are Funny cans or anything That makes you relaxed. -If you are a homemaker you sure be very Tired after a day of homework, you can rest your body by performing a nap, or you can Also fill your lunch break to pamper yourself in beauty salon, or doing activities you enjoy shopping That and the other crate. Things above the cans could the fatigue to yourself after doing the activity, and Also the improved its energy already wasted the morning. by using the lun

The Strong Link Between- Stress And Blood Pressure!!!

Seperti yang Anda tahu, ada hubungan langsung antara stres dan tekanan darah. Sebuah gaya hidup stres secara umum diterima menjadi penyebab utama hipertensi dan sejumlah penyakit lain. Pada kenyataannya, orang sering tidak sangat terkejut ketika mereka belajar bahwa seseorang dalam pekerjaan, high-profile high-stres atau bisnis juga menderita tekanan darah tinggi. Hal ini praktis diharapkan bahwa ia akan memiliki kondisi tersebut. Stres yang disebabkan hipertensi dapat menyebabkan masalah jantung yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan Anda selama sisa hidup Anda. Karena tuntutan bisnis mereka, eksekutif sibuk banyak yang tidak makan dengan benar atau berolahraga. Hal ini menyebabkan kenaikan berat badan tidak sehat. Bila Anda menambahkan tingkat berlebihan stres kerja terkait ke dalam campuran, Anda punya resep yang sempurna untuk beberapa masalah kesehatan. Tekanan darah tinggi meningkatkan beban pada organ vital tubuh. Organ-organ seperti ginjal dan jantung bisa menjadi begitu ove

Knowing And Reducing Your Risks For Stroke !!!!!

You can protect yourself from stroke. That's just as well, considering every 45 seconds, someone in the U.S. has one. It kills about 160,000 people a year, mostly women; annually, about 40,000 more women than men have strokes and over 60 percent of all stroke deaths occur in women. It's important to know the risk factors, some of which are preventable and controllable, and to recognize the symptoms so that many of the serious side effects can be avoided. Blood Pressure: According to the American Heart Association, high blood pressure is the number one controllable risk factor for stroke. Family history and obesity factor in developing high blood pressure and women who take birth control pills or have reached menopause are at higher risk. A healthy lifestyle helps but for many, medications are required. Cholesterol: High levels of "bad" low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol raise the risk of heart disease and stroke; high levels of "good" high-densi

What Causes Women's Hair Loss A Look at 7 Common Causes of Female Hair Loss

Let's face it, hair loss for anyone can be a very distressing problem but women's hair loss can be especially distressing… Although the causes of women's hair loss vary from person to person, by understanding the common causes of female hair loss, this can help you find the right potential treatment or solution. 1) Hereditary thinning, or androgenetic alopecia to give its medical name, is the most common cause of women's hair loss. The tendency to develop female pattern hair loss can be inherited from either side of the family. Generally this leads to thinning of the hair in women rather than baldness and can start in the teens, twenties or thirties. Unfortunately, there are no cures for hereditary female hair loss. However, there are treatments which may help some people such as minoxidil, which is a lotion applied twice daily to your scalp. An alternative solution which women with thinning hair may consider is female hair transplantation. This procedure invo

Ways To Improve Blood Circulation

Blood Circulation plays an important part in our being. In order to stay healthy it is very important to have good blood circulation. Proper blood circulation helps in transferring nutrients and oxygen to various parts of the body. Lack of good blood circulation causes diseases due to harmful foreign particles entrapped in the tissue. Many of us do not have any idea about the value of a good blood circulation. Some common problems you may face without proper blood circulation are: • Hypertension: A common problem found with many people mainly middle-aged and elderly people. This happens because cholesterol plaques are deposited along the walls of the arteries, causing it to harden. • Varicose Veins: This happens when the walls of the veins loses its elasticity. Lack of exercise, increasing age, junk food just adds to the stress escalating this problem from one leg to the other. - Improving blood circulation • Calendula known as Calendula Officinalis is an important source to

Why Do My Feet Hurt So Much When I Run

If you are a seasoned runner you know the importance of a good running shoe. It can make the difference between a great running experience, or potential injury. The problem is not being informed. Most people do not know that there is a proper shoe for your foot type. Knowing your foot type before you hit the stores can make a world of difference whether you want to do brisk walking, jogging or marathons. How do you determine your foot type? It's really quite simple. Get a piece of dark paper and then soak your feet and step on the paper. Look closely at the imprint. There are generally three types of feet. 1) If your imprint covers most of the feet (not much arch at all) then you have flat feet. You are among the 60% of the population in America with flat feet. 2) If you show a wide arch and narrow line of your outer foot then you have high arches. You are among the 30% of the population of in America. 3) If your imprint has a medium arch then congratulations. You are amo

The Truth About Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Lyme Disease

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that is composed of many different symptoms. The primary symptom is pain and tenderness in multiple areas of the body. This is often linked to fatigue, sleep disorders, digestive problems, and depression. Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are considered to be overlapping disorders which many consider to actually be the same illness. Dr.Khan has developed an aromatherapy formula called Fibromyalgesic and an herbal formula called FibroTea for these conditions. Many people consider these conditions to be psychosomatic in origin because people suffering from these conditions can look healthy and normal from the outside, and yet complain of so many different symptoms. These symptoms can include mental symptoms such as brain fog, forgetfulness, spaciness, depression, moodswings, anger, and extremes in behavior. Unfortunately, as a result many people with this disease are viewed with skepticism by medical practitioners and lay people alike and are often br